The Power of Prayer: A Gatekeeper's Guide to Transforming Your Family and Life
In this blog we will continue discussing the power of prayer and how significant it is for women.
As I sit down to write this blog, I'm reminded of the vital role prayer plays in my life as a Christian woman and gatekeeper of my home. Prayer is more than a ritual; it's a lifeline to my Heavenly Father.
The Importance of Starting Your Day with Prayer
Personally, I've found that beginning my day with prayer sets the tone for a purpose-driven life. Even before getting out of bed, I take a moment to talk to God, seeking guidance and protection. This habit has transformed my days, filling me with peace and clarity. I encourage you to prioritize prayer, whether it's first thing in the morning or during your daily commute. As I share these strategies, I hope you'll find inspiration to deepen your prayer life.
Prayer Journaling:
I start by writing down scripture that resonates with me, then listen for God's voice, reflecting on how it applies to my life. For example, when journaling about Psalm 91, I write down verses like "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty" (v. 1). I then reflect on God's promise of protection and provision.
Prayer Walking:
As an avid walker and exerciser, I love combining physical activity with prayer. While walking with my kids, we listen to worship music and praise God together. This practice helps me stay focused on Him amidst life's chaos.
Praying in Tongues:
When I first started praying in tongues, I felt unsure, wondering if I was speaking gibberish. Well at least that is the lie I heard whispered in my ears. But I realized the enemy was trying to discourage me. Praying in tongues has deepened my connection with the Holy Spirit.
Don't be afraid to explore this gift; it's a powerful tool for spiritual growth.
Prayer Positions:
I've found that changing my physical position helps me stay focused. Sometimes I kneel, other times I stand or lie prostrate. Honestly prostrate is the most powerful position I have experienced. It is TRUE surrender.
Experiment with different positions to find what works best for you.
Praying Scripture: Using Bible verses as prayers has transformed my prayer life. For example, when praying for protection, I use Psalm 91: "Lord, you are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust" (v. 2). Praying scripture helps me remember God's promises.
Training Our Children to Pray
Are you honestly praying with your children and teaching them how to pray when they experience different emotions or they are struggling? Are they praying for you or their father? Their friends? Do they have a personal relationship with Jesus?
As a mother, I want my children to develop a strong prayer life. At night, as part of our nightly routine, we hold hands and pray together. I've even started praying in tongues with them, demonstrating my faith and encouraging them to explore their own gifts.
The Power of Daily Prayer
Praying daily has strengthened my relationship with Jesus, bringing peace and clarity. Even in challenging times, I hold onto God's promises, reminding Him of His word.
Praying in Times of Waiting and Hardship
When faced with uncertainty, I pray scripture, trusting God's sovereignty. I remind Him of His promises, like Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you... plans to prosper you and not harm you."
As gatekeepers, let's prioritize prayer and cultivate a deeper relationship with Jesus. If you're struggling or need prayer support, visit Gatekeeper Women’s Ministry and submit a prayer request. Our team will pray for you.
May this blog inspire you to deepen your prayer life and experience the transformative power of prayer.