Journaling is the Key

What do Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Frida Kahlo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Frederick Douglass all have in common? Each of these famous figures kept a journal or diary to record their experiences, thoughts, or feelings. From scientific geniuses to thoughtful artists — and everyone in between — keeping a journal can be a beneficial self-care practice.

When you think of “journaling,” you might picture a tween girl, laying on her bed with her feet waving lazily through the air and writing about her crush in a diary. Well, you might be partially right. I haven't been keeping a journal for too long. Maybe a few years now. I did have my top-secret diary as a child, but who doesn't? This diary of mine was filled with all types of drama from who I hated in my 7th grade class, who I had a crush on, who had big hair or even my next plot to scare my brothers when they bugged me again. I still have this journal in my possession and yes, it is still top secret. But I really started journaling right before my daughter was born (she is 9 now) around the time my mother had passed away and I was pregnant and in Graduate School. I had so many plans, so many goals and I had to store them somewhere. I felt anxious. Just by luck I came across one of my pre-teen journals when cleaning out a closet and I started flipping through it. I had an idea! I remembered my mother motivating me to move forward with my goals and reminding me that writing was always a good thing. "Write things down Nancy"...she said. "Pen to paper"... I said. This is exactly what I did. I had a breakthrough. This was how I was going to achieve my goals, and this was how I would stay grounded. I created a system where I would journal daily no matter how good or bad my day went and whether or not I accomplished any parts of my intended goals.

The more I wrote the more I saw that this was a great way to get things done and to remain focused. I had a 5-year plan to finish my degree and I finished it in two. I qualified for an accelerated program, and I completed the program at the top of my class. I can say that writing my thoughts, planning for my future and remaining organized was 1000% the reason why I was able to succeed at what it was that I wanted. Now if only I can "journal" how to win the lottery. My journal was not just about completing my education but also about releasing pent up energy, anxiety, and writing out my future goals. I had big plans. I still do.

Journaling is not easy for some; it requires spending time with yourself, and it requires commitment. Some people will even say they do not like to write because it is time consuming. Here are 5 reasons why everyone at some point in their lives should journal.

  • Your journal has the potential to be both therapist and friend who listens without judging or interrupting and is open 24 hours a day. You can tell your journal things you wouldn’t share with others. Writing it down takes the edge off more toxic feelings and emotions and helps you better understand what you’re feeling, freeing up thinking space to gain clarity on what to do next.

  • You will be able to track your personal patterns of behavior that help you achieve goals and respond effectively to challenges. You will be able to see the patterns that get in the way of personal and professional growth, and healthy relationships with self and others. By becoming mindful with what you are discovering, you can move yourself from knowing into a doing state.

  • Journaling is inexpensive, accessible and is easily self-managed. It carries very few side effects and can be applied almost anywhere.

  • Journals are creative portals. Because you’re in dialogue with your inner life when you write in a journal, you solve problems and get creative.

  • You give yourself permission to write yourself into history. Journals give voice to your dreams and aspirations but are also safe spaces to release negative feelings, hurts and disappointments that could get in the way of those dreams and aspirations being that are being released.

Your journaling experience is just that...yours. You may have things you need to sort out in your life or issues that you are trying to take control of. Controlling your emotions can be something you struggle with and other than having someone to talk to you need a place to vent your frustrations. Writing in your journal would be your go to.

Are you ready to start but you are not sure how? Create the future that you are seeking or release the emotions you are feeling. Explore the many types of journaling and start writing HERE. Are you keeping a journal? What benefits do you get from journaling? Give a try! All you have to lose is a few minutes of your time, and you already know all you could gain. Try it today and I guarantee you will see and feel the difference going forward.


Toxic Friendships in Teens (A Good Read for Parents)


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